Point Lookout Lighthouse Preservation Society (PLLPS), Inc.

Visit the Lighthouse

The Point Lookout Lighthouse Complex (which includes the lighthouse, coal shed and buoy shed) is not open to the public except during scheduled events, which are listed in the Upcoming Events link on the left. For safety reasons, the coal and buoy sheds are not open to the public at any time. PLLPS hosts regularly scheduled monthly open house events from April through November (for a schedule of all our events, click on the Upcoming Events link on the left).

The lighthouse complex is surrounded by a chain link fence. Security lighting and a video surveillance system are in use to protect the lighthouse from vandalism and trespassing. The state of Maryland continues to prosecute trespassers to the full extent of the law.

The lighthouse is open to the public from April through November for our monthly Open House Events and other special, one-time events. The open house events are free and no reservations are required, however, visitors will be required to pay the standard park entrance fees. Please note that fees are subject to change and are for admission to the park. Admission to the lighthouse is free, but donations to help with the preservation efforts are greatly appreciated. Docents will be available at the open house events to answer questions about the rich maritime history of the lighthouse.

Open House Events

Click on the Upcoming Events link on the left hand side of the page for our public events schedule.

Field Trips and Home School Programs

For information about school field trip programs, please contact us at: info@PLLPS.org Ask us about creating a custom program covering Maryland's Maritime History and the Civil War era.

Additional Information about the Area

Historical information about the lighthouse can be found online at:


There are also additional areas north of the lighthouse that are of historical significance to the Civil War, such as Fort Lincoln and the site of the small pox hospital. The Friends of Point Lookout maintain historic Fort Lincoln and their website can be found at:


The Department of Natural Resources maintains a website with additional information about the park at:


If you have additional questions, email info@PLLPS.org, or call us at: 301-684-3704. Since we are an all volunteer organization, it may take a few days for us to get back to you and we greatly appreciate your patience.